Star Trek finally reveals what happened to Picard’s mother

Star Trek: PicardThe second season of Jean-Luc Picard was all about unpacking long-buried trauma. This shock prevented him from getting close to the people he loved. The season hinted that it was about Picard’s mother, Yvette. The series featured glimpses of Yvette pulling away from Jean-Luc throughout the season. An earlier episode revealed that Maurice is Picard’s father (played by James Callis). Maurice was restraining Yvette when her mental state led to her harming herself or harming Jean-Luc. But, as that episode made clear, that wasn’t the whole story. The season’s penultimate episode, “Hide and Seek,” reveals the tragic end of the story. spoilers follow on.

Previously, a flashback to Picard’s childhood would end with his mother locked inside a room as he stood on the other side of the door. “Hide and Seek” reveals that young Picard used a skeletal key to unlock the door at his mother’s request. As a child, Picard did not understand his mother’s illness and believed that his father was simply cruel. In fact, he was trying to protect Yvette from herself. After Jean-Luc fell asleep next to her, Yvette woke up and went to the hall to hang herself.

After that, young Picard threw a stone through the glass window of the hall. These events explain why Picard has allowed the lobby to remain in disrepair even after the rest of the mansion has been restored. Blaming himself for her death, Picard buried the memory of his mother’s suicide. He noted that he would sometimes imagine her growing up and sharing tea with him. (This explains why Picard saw his mother as an older woman in Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode “Where No One Has Gone Before”). Picard fled to the stars via Starfleet, and a deep fear of suffering the pain he experienced at losing his mother has prevented him from loving anyone entirely since.

While Picard finally remembers the truth about his mother’s fate in “Hide and Seek”, he still blames himself for what happened. With another episode of the season remaining, fans will have to wait and see if he can find a way to heal from the trauma.

what do you think of Star Trek: Picard Reveal what happened to Jean-Luc’s mother? Let us know in the comments. Star Trek: Picard New episodes debut on Thursday! Paramount +.



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